Learning in Community
Posted on Jan 23, 2025
Something that Alex mentioned in his sermon last week really spoke to me, and I've been thinking about it a lot over the last several days. He mentioned that when we say to our kids "listen to me," we aren't just expecting them to hear, we are expecting them to understand, and ultimately obey. It got me thinking about my own 3 kids (ages 7, 5, and 3...yes, our hands and hearts are FULL!) How do they learn this concept? So much comes from mine and my husband's instruction. So much comes from our continual instruction, redirection, and conversation back and forth with our children. But a lot of it comes from their own example that they set for each other. Macie (our 5 year old) has learned most of what she knows about listening to her parents from Mia (our 7 year old). She watches Mia's example like a hawk and soaks it all up like a sponge. She watches and learns what works and doesn't work and regurgitates the behavior in a "monkey-see monkey-do" sort of way.
It reminded me of how much we have to learn from each other, our own spiritual brothers and sisters. We watch the examples being set by the men and women we are circling up with, and we set an example by the way we live as well. I have learned so much about God's faithfulness, His enduring love, and how to live the Christian life by seeing the example of others around me. Particularly, women who have lived faithful lives in step with Jesus and have welcomed me into their circle. Who are you looking to as an example in your life right now? And who are you pointing towards Jesus?
If you don't know where to start or you're looking to join a circle in this season of your life, I have great news for you!! It's the perfect time to join a group at WCC because we are launching our winter session together next week! There are so many groups available (Men's, Women's, Senior's, and Home Communities). Our team will be in the lobby this Sunday and we'd love the opportunity to get to know you a bit and get you connected to a group. Or you can register online at willamette.cc/community.
Mary Ferrer
Pastor of Women's Community