New Year 2025

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19

I love new things!  The pristine, clean smell and the unboxing of an unblemished device are almost intoxicating. There’s something about the perfection of that moment—something new, full of possibility, and ready to be used.

In Isaiah, God speaks through his prophet and talks about a new thing, a new way. God is preparing to lead his people out of slavery and into a new land that is not a wasteland but a land with streams of water amid a desert. In the Bible, streams are often a symbol of renewal, restoration, and life. And I don’t know about you, but I need that kind of renewal, especially in our current world. 

In 2025, I want to be a man focused not on the past but on the future, but I often get stopped and let myself not let go of the past.  He says in verse 18, “Forget the former things and don’t dwell on the past.” I’ll be the first to admit I struggle with this. I often dwell on what has happened and I replay it constantly, wishing it had turned out differently. For several years, I let things in my past define my everyday life.  I lived in the wilderness, stuck and isolated, half the man God wanted me to be.  It wasn’t till I had a close friend come into my life and show me the unconditional love of Jesus.  Jesus didn’t care about my past; He had already died for it. He cared about my future.

What about you? What things are you still dwelling on? Are you ready for something new? So, as we begin this new year, let’s step into His promises together. He is doing a new thing!

Join us on January 5 as we begin our new sermon series, Wholehearted. Together, we’ll explore God's fresh work in and through us. He calls us to listen, obey, and respond to His voice—let’s take this journey together.

Rich Ward
Campus Pastor