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Sing Again

October 10, 2021 • Brian Becker • It's A New Day

A primary theme of scripture is a demonstration of God’s commitment to redeem, restore, and renew the things in our lives that have been hurt, damaged, and broken. Today, Brian continues through Psalm 126, showing how God's people respond to redemption through song.
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Sermon Notes - October 10th, 2021
It’s A New Day (Sing Again) - Brian Becker

Psalm 126:1-3 (MSG)
It seemed like a dream, too good to be true when God returned Zion’s exiles. We laughed, we sang, we couldn’t believe our good fortune. We were the talk of the nations: “God was wonderful to them!” God was wonderful to us; we are one happy people.

Believe Again
Laugh Again
Pray Again
Sing Again
Dream Again

Psalm 126:4-6 (MSG)
And now, God, do it again —bring rains to our drought-stricken lives So those who planted their crops in despair will shout “Yes!” at the harvest, So those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.

Psalm 126:1-2 (MSG)
It seemed like a dream, too good to be true when God returned Zion’s exiles. We laughed, we sang, we couldn’t believe our good fortune….

“…gather early in the morning and sing joyfully to one another, singing hymns to Christ, as to a god.” - Pliny the Younger (111 AD)

“Sing to the Lord”
“Sing praises”
“Sing joyfully”
“Come into His presence with singing”
“Sing A New Song

The “before” and “after” of singing
Before the breakthrough.
After the exile.

There is never not a time to open your mouth and sing to God, align yourself with God, and cry out to God.

2 Chronicles 20:21 (NLT)
After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising him for his holy splendor. This is what they sang: “Give thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever!”

Acts 16:23a-24,25 (NLT)
They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into…the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.

“May they place salt on people’s lips and stir up holy hunger for the mysteries of Your kingdom.” - St. Augustine

2 Chronicles 20:22 (NLT)
At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves…

2 Chronicles 20:27-28 (NLT)
Then all the men returned to Jerusalem, with Jehoshaphat leading them, overjoyed that the Lord had given them victory over their enemies. They marched into Jerusalem to the music of harps, lyres, and trumpets, and they proceeded to the Temple of the Lord.

There is never not a time to open your mouth and sing to God, align yourself with God, and cry out to God.

Psalm 68:6 (NIV)
God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

Sing To The Lord
Fear Not