When we were children it was easier to believe and imagine that the improbable and impossible could happen. Then life happened. And for many of us: “then this year happened.” A primary theme of scripture is a demonstration of God’s commitment to redeem, restore, and renew the things in our lives that have been hurt, damaged, and broken. The promise of a new day awaits!
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Circle Up
This fall, our Home Communities and Men's Community groups will be going through a new curriculum together called Circle Up.
This 8-week journal-style curriculum is designed to help you explore a single passage of Scripture each week. Consisting of five days of reflection and journaling, it is purposefully designed to meet you where you are. This means you can go as deep as you want or stay a bit shallower. Either is ok; the goal is that by taking time each day to have specific focus and devotion, you will grow in your understanding of who God is, what he has for you, and how you can treat others because of this