Megan Lemmons—Teaching, Home Community & Rooted Pastor

Family Info
- Spouse: Ausdin Lemmons
What role do you play at WCC?
I get to be the Pastor of Home Communities and Rooted which allows me the opportunity to help people connect with others and grow spiritually in community!
How long have you worked at WCC?
3 years.
What other ministry positions have you held at WCC (or other churches or ministries)?
I’ve been doing community life ministries for the last 9 years. I’ve also been a High School Bible teach and currently Adjunct teaching Bible at George Fox University.
What's your favorite thing about WCC?
How welcoming people make you feel
Favorite or influential books, movies, authors, podcasts, etc...
- Henri Nouwen - I reread “the life of the beloved” almost ever year
What’s your favorite thing to do on your days off?
A perfect weekend day would include a slow morning, a walk to the library, and a quiet afternoon hanging with Ausdin and reading a book.
If you could have a superpower for a day, what would it be and why?
Easy! I’d be able to teleport anywhere. We have family all over the place- how fun would it be to see them all in one day!
If you could trade lives with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Barbie; because how fun would it be to have EVERYTHING around me be pink and joyful and live on the beach with all your best friends!
Favorite Bible verse and why?
Ephesians 3:16-20; it’s a prayer I pray often for others and for my own family.
If you could have a personal assistant for any aspect of your life, what would you choose? (e.g., cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc.)
Laundry and dishes!