Amanda Steele - Elementary Kids Pastor

You're Spouse
I have 2, soon to be 3!
What role do you play at WCC?
I'm a part of the family ministries team and specifically oversee K-5 ministry as the Elementary Kids Pastor
How long have you worked at WCC?
I have worked at Willamette off and on in different capacities since 2018.
What other ministry positions have you held at WCC (or other churches or ministries)?
I was previously on staff as Community Life Coordinator, but my first official role at Willamette was in the very first cohort of interns in 2013!
Favorite or influential books, movies, authors, podcasts, etc...
Lately I've been enjoying Carey Nieuwhof's leadership podcast.
What’s your favorite thing to do on your days off?
I love spending time with my family, thrift shopping, reading, and napping!
If you could have a superpower for a day, what would it be and why? I'll say I'd love to have a Green Thumb superpower to make a thriving fruit, vegetable, and flower garden appear in my backyard!
If you could trade lives with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Maybe Anne of Green Gables. I'd love to spend a carefree day in the sunshine on the beautiful Prince Edward Island. It'd be nice to not be the grown-up in the room for a while, but then I would want to come back because I really love my life!
If you could have dinner with any person from history, who would it be and why?
I have a lot of questions for Eve.
Favorite Bible verse and why?
A favorite that the Holy Spirit keeps bringing back to my mind in this season is Philippians 4:8. Fixing my eyes on the goodness of Jesus and a good life with him truly keeps me from spiraling!
If you could have a personal assistant for any aspect of your life, what would you choose? (e.g., cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc.)
Oh my gosh. All things related to my car. In heaven I am sure we will be free from oil changes and tire rotations (????)!!