From scripture reading plans, to prayer guides, and resource libraries, we're confident you'll find ways to grow your faith and stretch your heart for God and others.

Read the Bible
As you accept Christ, and then again throughout your spiritual journey, you will be encouraged by others to read the Bible daily. Through this practice, you'll establish a personal relationship with God as you see His holy, unchanging, faithful, gracious and loving character.
Check out this great article detailing 10 reasons to read the Bible from Newspring Church!
Which Bible should you read?
The best Bible for you is the one you will actually read, and finding the right one is easier than ever before. From a printed study Bible to an app for your phone that you can read or listen to, there are countless options. You will generally hear our teaching pastors quote Scripture from the NIV, NET, or NLT versions/translations. However, The Message version's paraphrasing and contemporary language can be a great place to start when you are having difficulty understanding a concept as you read one of the other, more literal, translations.
Here are some of our favorite online options for reading (or listening to, or even watching) the Bible:
BibleProject is a nonprofit headquartered in SE Portland that produces free Bible videos and other resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone. In addition to their Bible reading plan and video overviews of each book of the Bibile, we recommend their video series on how to read the Bible.
YouVersion's Bible App (and Bible App for Kids) allows you to sign up for hundreds of Bible reading plans, compare versions to see how different translations of the Bible express a particular passage, and add bookmarks, highlights, and notes to what you're reading.