When going through a book of the Bible there is never enough time to cover everything that could be covered in each sermon or community life gathering. These resources have been curated by our teaching team and staff for those who may want additional content.
Below you will find various videos, podcasts, books, and articles that will allow you to go deeper each week into the study of John. While we believe each resource is helpful, all the thoughts and points are the original creators and may not be fully held by our team.

Gospel of John Podcast
Listen to John Rosensteel and Josh Butler discuss how our four campus teaching team approached teaching on the Gospel of John during this 15 week series. They describe it as the most accessible of the Gospels – "shallow enough for the new believer to wade in, but also deep enough for the mature believer to scuba dive in."
Josh Butler, Aline Bahamondez, and Megan Lemmons discuss John 4:43-54 and the importance of community when facing challenges in our lives
Listen to the conversation between Josh Butler and author, professor, and podcaster A.J. Swoboda on the Gospel of John.
Be the Beloved (John 21:20-25)
- An alternate reading of John 21:20-25
- Becoming the Beloved Disciple by Kate Fowler
- Disciple | Jon Jorgenson
- Gospel of John Overview by BibleProject (as a recap to summarize the big picture of our journey through John)
- I am Your Beloved by Jonathan and Melissa Helser
- Beloved by Jordan Feliz
To Ponder:
- John 21:20 - Full of Eyes
- A question to pray over, journal about or reflect on: John saw his truest identity as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Do you see yourself as the beloved of God? What other identities compete with this deeper reality? Are there lies other circumstances, people, or the enemy have spoken into your life that compete with this truest identity? Are there pursuits you’ve elevated over Christ that have crowded out this truest identity? What would it look like to rest in Christ and grow in this identity as his beloved disciple?