If you are in need of financial assistance to help cover the cost of camp, please contact Zach Steele at [email protected]
Black Lake Middle School Camp
Aug 11, 2025 to Aug 15, 2025
LocationOlympia, WA

Event Description
Registration is open for one of the best weeks of the year: Black Lake. Middle schoolers will enjoy a week away from home & screen time, playing games, staying in cabins, enjoying lake time, boating, and much more! Black Lake is an impactful week of fun, friendship, and growing in your faith journey.
Check out highlights from the last Black Lake!
Listen to You Got Me, recorded live at Black Lake 2023!
Items you may take on the bus:
- Sack lunch, drink, snacks (no nuts, please)
Food and drink containers that can be securely re-sealed are recommended (ie. screw-on lids, zip-lock bags, tupperware, etc.)
A backpack
Items to put in a garbage bag with name attached or written on the bag:
Sleeping Bag
Items that must fit in one piece of luggage:
Clothing for 5 days
Light rain jacket
Comfortable shoes for playing games and sports
Toiletries (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, etc.)
Swimsuit: No exposed underwear, no speedos, no bikinis. (Tankinis are ok. T-shirts over bikinis are also ok. All swimsuits should have full coverage bottoms).
Swim towel and bath towel
Flip-flops (sandals)
Mosquito repellent
Bible, notebook & pen
Water bottle
Snack food for the duration of camp (no nuts, please)
$20+ suggested for use at the camp coffee/snack bar and gift shop (students are in charge of their own money)
Extra garbage bag with name attached/written on for the way home to put their pillow and sleeping bag inside (their name should be clearly displayed on this bag)
Please remember to check your student’s bag to ensure that they have not included anything on the list of “items you may not bring to camp”:
Illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, fireworks, or weapons of any kind
Ibuprofen, aspirin, or other OTC medication (unless prescribed - then must be submitted to camp nurse at drop-off on Monday) - our first aid station will have all necessary supplies
Cell phones, iPads, computers, personal listening devices, personal gaming devices, radios, etc.
Water balloons, stink bombs, silly string, aerosol confetti, aerosol deodorant, or any other items that may destroy or deface Black Lake Camp property
Posters, signs, or pictures to hang in the cabin
Complete this form only if your student will need to take medication at camp. No student may self-medicate! Camp nurses must distribute all medication. This is for the safety and well being of all campers. *Common exceptions: Inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors. If possible, please consider sending one with the nurse and one with the camper.
Drop Off:
Location: Willamette Christian Church (3153 S Brandywine Dr, West Linn, OR 97068)
Day: Monday August 11th
Time: 9am
If you have any Medication please make sure to fill out and bring your medical distribution form
Download Medical Distribution Form
Pick Up:
Location: Willamette Christian Church (3153 S Brandywine Dr, West Linn, OR 97068)
Day: Friday August 15th
Time: 1pm
Make sure to pick up your medication from the nurses
Campers love hearing from home while they are at camp! Feel free to send notes, care packages, and love from home to the Black Lake mailing address! Letter and packages will be delivered to the camp office and picked up by our team for distribution! If you are interested in sending multiple items throughout the week, consider sending them all at once with daily delivery instructions for our team! Contact your campus middle school pastor if you have any questions!
Instructions for labeling letters and care packages:
Black Lake Bible Camp
(Your Camper's Name)
Willamette Christian Church
6521 Fairview RD SW
Olympia, WA 98512