January 8 - January 29
For 21 days of prayer we will focus on God by using the rhythm mentioned in Philippians 4: worship, pray, thank, think. It is our hope that this year we will be a people that live open-handed, allowing God to take full reign and obediently follow Him as He establishes His kingdom in us, our loved ones, and our communities.
All 21 days have been divided into three topics: Worship, Prayer, and Thanksgiving. While we will practice all three daily, each week will emphasize one practice through scripture.
Pick up your physical copy of our 21 days of prayer at the Next Steps table or download the PDF version below.
Tips for a Season of Prayer and Fasting
1. Set your objective Why are you choosing to join in prayer and fasting for 21 days?
2. Write out your commitment What meal(s) or food will you be fasting? What activities will you be limiting? How much time will you be spending in prayer and the Bible? Whom will you be accountable with?
3. Make a schedule When will you pray and focus on scripture? (Common practice is to choose times when you’d normally be eating or at the beginning and end of your day.)
4. Don't Give Up If you break your fast or miss a prayer time, don't quit! Prayer is more important than perfection. Focus again on WHY you are fasting and jump right back into your commitment and keep going.